Thursday, 12 July 2012

Little Houseguest

When we get ready for company, it is usually a matter of cleaning the house, putting fresh sheets on the bed in the guest room, stocking the fridge, setting up the blender and formulating a plan for keeping everyone entertained.

Most of our guests are adults.

Tonight we are expecting a two-year old (well almost two, his birthday is in October).

I met him when he was a month old. We hugged. We cooed. We bonded. I passed him to his parents when he got fussy.

Now he walks. Talks in Finnish. Climbs. Is nicknamed 'the locksmith' at his daycare center. Apparently he can get into anything.

It will be a two-week visit.

We are excited and slightly nervous.

Baby furniture has been borrowed, a travel bed and a bright pink high chair. A blow-up wading pool and beach ball are ready to be inflated. There is milk in the fridge. The breakables are hidden.

We are ready.

I think.