Monday 6 January 2014

Hot Toddy


Due to a nasty head cold I didn't stay up till midnight to drink champagne, watch the ball drop or celebrate in any way.

Wrapped up in blankets, asleep before 8, it was a rather quiet New Year's Eve at our house.

It has taken a number of days to shake completely but I am feeling much better.

Well enough to stay up and watch the Season 4 Premiere of Downton Abbey last night and enjoy a signature cocktail (courtesy of the internets) called a 'Downton Toddy', good for what ails you.

Pour 1 Tablespoon of honey into a mug, then 1 ounce of brandy, squeeze in half of a fresh lemon, then pour boiling hot water over an English Tea bag.

Happy Belated New Year!

1 comment:

  1. When you feel better we'll make a Downton Basil Bomb!
