Friday 18 March 2011


Here is how the conversation went.

Me:  Guess what.

Husband:  What?

Me:  A gigantic piece of pie passed me on the freeway on the way home from work.

Husband:  No way!

Me:  The pie was made out of of wood or something. It was on the back of a trailer and it had whipped cream on top.

Husband:  Guess what.

Me:  What?

Husband:  I ran into a mountain lion in the bike lane on the way into work.

Me:  No way!

Husband:  The cops took a couple of pictures of me posing with it. It was wild.

1 comment:

  1. The selection of things whizzing in from the universe to confront each of you can't be random. . .A Pie? A Mountain Lion? Sounds self-selecting to me!
