Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Leucadia Gardens, Pt. 1

Each of the gardens that we toured in Leucadia was distinct.

Here is the garden that made the most of a narrow strip of land.

A lush archway beckoned visitors inside.

Stone wall, covered pond and a bridge for crossing.

Storage below and a wooden ladder to get to a secret hiding place.

Sundial sculpture and a pop of colorful flowers.

Vegetable beds with just enough room to walk around.

Bougainvillea borders one end of the house.

Here is the garden meant for small children.

Not just the perfect little playhouse but the yard had swings and a slide.

Behind the playhouse was their neighbor's tree house which required a bit more
 imagination but was spacious and set up for a tea party and/or club meetings.

Here is the garden that feels strongly about doors, not gates, doors.

Solid door with glass panes and a lock.

Stained glass double doors to let in the wind and fragrance of lavender.

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